

Integrated Prototype Instrumentation Platforms

Fasmatech offers design services and custom engineering solutions of integrated instrumentation platforms to academic and research institutes for applied and fundamental research.

Hybrid RF Ion Guide for Enhanced Transmission

Ion guides utilize radio frequency electric elds for radial con nement and are applied extensively for transportation, thermalization, gating and collisional dissociation of ions.

Aerolens™ Optics for Laminarized Flows

Aerolens optics are designed to suppress turbulence and control the extent of ion diffusion at intermediate pressure.

Mass Selective RF Injection Lines

RF transfer lines are designed to receive and selectively inject ions from an ionization source to a reaction chamber or into an ion trap, for example the Omnitrap.

Laser Diagnostics & CFD of Low Pressure Gas Flows

Monodisperse nanoparticles generated by spark-discharge enable the evaluation and optimization of the gas dynamical properties of fore-vacuum ion optics.