Select Peer Reviewed Publications
Anjusha Mathew, Frans Giskes, Alexandros Lekkas, Jean-François Greisch, Gert B Eijkel, Ian GM Anthony, Kyle Fort, Albert JR Heck, Dimitris Papanastasiou, Alexander A Makarov, Shane R Ellis, Ron MA Heeren, “An Orbitrap/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Photofragment Ion Imaging and High-Resolution Mass Analysis of Native Macromolecular Assemblies”,J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2023, 34(7), 1359–1371 (2023), DOI: 10.1021/jasms.3c00053
Daniel Simon, Gabriel Stefan Horkovics-Kovats, Yuchen Xiang, Julia Abda, Dimitris Papanastasiou, Hui-Yu Ho, Haixing Wang, Richard Schäffer, Tamas Karancsi, Anna Mroz, Laurine Lagache, Julia Balog, Isabelle Fournier, Josephine Bunch, Zoltan Takats,”Sample preparation free tissue imaging using Laser Desorption–Rapid Evaporative Ionisation Mass spectrometry (LD-REIMS)”,ChemRxiv. Cambridge: Cambridge Open Engage, 2023, DOI: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-p2g9h
Christos Kaltsonoudis,Olga Zografou,Angeliki Matrali,Elias Panagiotopoulos,Alexandros Lekkas,Mariangela Kosmopoulou,Dimitris Papanastasiou,Konstantinos Eleftheriadis,Spyros N. Pandis (2023),”Measurement of Atmospheric Volatile and Intermediate Volatility Organic Compounds: Development of a New Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometer”,Atmosphere (2023), DOI: 10.3390/atmos14020336
ORCID,J.W. , Papanastasiou,D., Kosmopoulou,M., Smyrnakis,A., Hong,P., Tursumamat,N., Klein,J.A., Xia,C.,Tang,Y., Zaia,J., Costello,C.E., Lin,C.,”De novo glycan sequencing by electronic excitation dissociation MS2-guided MS3 analysis on an Omnitrap-Orbitrap hybrid instrument”, Chem. Sci., 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D3SC00870C
Sanz-Jiménez, A., Malvar, O., Ruz, J. J., García-López, S., Kosaka, P. M., Gil-Santos, E., Cano, A., Papanastasiou, D., Kounadis, D., Mingorace, J., San Paulo, A., Calleja, M., Tamayo, J.,”High-throughput determination of dry mass of single bacterial cells by ultrathin membrane resonators”,Communications Biology, 5(1). (2022), DOI: 10.1038/s42003-022-04147-5
Papanastasiou,D.,Kounadis,D., Lekkas,A., Orfanopoulos,I., Mpozatzidis,A., Smyrnakis,A., Panagiotopoulos,E., Kosmopoulou,M., Reinhardt-Szyba,M., Fort,K., Makarov,A.,Zubarev,R.A.,”The Omnitrap Platform: A Versatile Segmented Linear Ion Trap for Multidimensional Multiple-Stage Tandem Mass Spectrometry.”,Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 33(10), 1990–2007 (2022),DOI: 10.1021/jasms.2c00214
Papanastasiou, D., Kounadis, D., Orfanopoulos, I., Lekkas, A., Zacharos, A., Raptakis, E.,M.I. Gini, K. Eleftheriadis, Nikolos, I. N.,”Experimental and numerical investigations of under-expanded gas flows for optimal operation of a novel multipole differential ion mobility filter in the first vacuum-stage of a mass spectrometer”,International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 465 (2021), DOI: 10.1016/j.ijms.2021.116605
Joalland, B., Jamal-Eddine, N., Papanastasiou, D., Lekkas, A., Carles, S., & Biennier, L. (2019),”A mass-selective ion transfer line coupled with a uniform supersonic flow for studying ion-molecule reactions at low temperatures”,Journal of Chemical Physics (2019) 150(16), DOI: 10.1063/1.5086386
Di Stefano, L. H., Papanastasiou, D., & Zubarev, R. A.,”Size-Dependent Hydrogen Atom Attachment to Gas-Phase Hydrogen-Deficient Polypeptide Radical Cations”,Journal of the American Chemical Society, 140(2), 531–533 (2018), DOI: 10.1021/jacs.7b10318
Sabbah, H., Bonnamy, A., Papanastasiou, D., Cernicharo, J., Martín-Gago, J.-A., & Joblin, C.,”Identification of PAH Isomeric Structure in Cosmic Dust Analogs: The AROMA Setup”,The Astrophysical Journal, 843(1), 34 (2017), DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aa73dd
M. I. Gini, C. Helmis, A. D. Melas, D. Papanastasiou, G. Orfanopoulos, K. P. Giannakopoulos, Y. Drossinos & K. Eleftheriadis,”Characterization of carbon fractal-like aggregates by size distribution measurements and theoretical calculations”,Aerosol Science and Technology, 50(2), 133–147 (2016), DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2015.1134763
S.Prasad, K Tang, D. Manura, D.Papanastasiou, Smith RD, “Computational Simulation of Ion Motion in FAIMS Through Combined Use of SIMION and Statistical Diffusion Simulation”, Anal. Chem. 2009, 81(21), 8749-8757.
H.Iacovides, D.Kounadis, Z.Xu, “Experimental Study of Thermal Development in a Rotating Square-Ended U-Bend”,Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 2009, 33(3), 482-494.
F.Tadjimukhamedov, J.A.Stone, D.Papanastasiou, J.E.Rodriguez, W.Mueller, H.Sukumar, G.A.Eiceman, “Liquid Chromatography/Electrospray Ionization/Ion Mobility Spectrometry of Chlorophenols with Full Flow from Large Bore LC Columns”, Int. J. Ion Mobility Spectrom. 2008, 11, 51-60.
D.Papanastasiou, O.Belgacem, M.Sudakov, E.Raptakis, “Ion Thermalization Using Pressure Transients in a Quadrupole Ion Trap Coupled to a Vacuum Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Source and a Reflectron Time-Of-Flight Mass Analyzer”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2008, 79, 055103. [selected for the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, 2008, 15(10)].
D.Papanastasiou, H.Wollnik, G.Rico, F.Tadjimukhamedov, W.Mueller, G.A.Eiceman, “Differential Mobility Separation of Ions Using a Rectangular Asymmetric Waveform”. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2008, 112, 3638-3645.
K.Kontis, R.An, D.Kounadis, H.Zare-Behtash, “Head-on Collision of Shock Wave Induced Vortices with Solid and Perforated Walls”, Phys. Fluids, 2008, 20(2), 1-17.
K.Kontis, R.An, H.Zare-Behtash, D.Kounadis, “Head-on Collision of Shock Wave Induced Vortices with a Cylinder and a Sphere”, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 2008, 29(5), 1380-1392.
R.March, H.Li, O.Belgacem, D.Papanastasiou, “High-Energy and Low-Energy Collision-Induced Dissociation of Protonated Flavanoids Generated by MALDI and by Electrospray Ionization”, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 2007, 262, 51-66.
W.Algawair, H.Iacovides, D.Kounadis, Z.Xu, “Experimental Assessment of the Effects of Prandtl number and of a Guide Vane on the Thermal Development in a Ribbed Square-Ended U-Bend”, Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci. 2007, 32(2), 670-681.
D.Papanastasiou, A.W.McMahon, “Correlated Phase Space Distributions of Ions in an Orthogonal Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer”, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 2006, 254, 20-27.
D.Papanastasiou, L.Ding, E.Raptakis, J.Cunningham, M.Robinson, “Dynamic Pressure Measurements during Pulsed Gas Introduction in a Quadrupole Ion Trap”, Vacuum, 2006, 81, 446-452.
C. Mayrhofer, S. Krieger, E. Raptakis, G. Allmaier, “Comparison of vacuum matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and atmospheric pressure MALDI (AP-MALDI) tandem mass spectrometry of 2-dimensional separated and trypsin-digested glomerular proteins for database search derived identification”, J Proteome Res. 2006, 8, 1967-1978.
O.Belgacem, A.Bowdler, I.Brookhouse, F.L.Brancia FL, E.Raptakis, “Dissociation of biomolecules using a ultraviolet matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight/curved field reflectron tandem mass spectrometer equipped with a differential-pumped collision cell”, Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2006, 20(11), 1653-1660.
E.Pittenauer, M.Zehl, O.Belgacem, E.Raptakis, R.Mistrik, G.Allmaier, “Comparison of CID spectra of singly charged polypeptide antibiotic precursor ions obtained by positive-ion vacuum MALDI IT/RTOF and TOF/RTOF, AP-MALDI-IT and ESI-IT mass spectrometry”, J Mass Spectrom. 2006, 4, 421-47.
H.Iacovides, D.Kounadis, B.E.Launder, J.Li, Z.Xu, “Experimental Study of the Flow and Thermal Development of a Row of Cooling Jets Impinging on a Rotating Concave Surface”, ASME J. Turbomach. 2005, 126, 222-229.
C.Koy, S.Mikkat, E.Raptakis, C.Sutton, M.Resch, K.Tanaka, M.O.Glocker, “Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization- quadrupole ion trap-time of flight mass spectrometry sequencing resolves structures of unidentified peptides obtained by in-gel tryptic digestion of haptoglobin derivatives from human plasma proteomes”, Proteomics, 2003, 3, 851-858.
A.E.Giannakopulos, B.Thomas, A.W.Colburn, D.J.Reynolds, E.N.Raptakis, A.A.Makarov, P.J.Derrick, “Tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-TOF) with a quadratic-field ion mirror”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2002, 73(5), 2115-2123.
U.N.Andersen, A.W.Colburn, A.A.Makarov, E.N.Raptakis, D.J.Reynolds, P.J.Derrick, “In-series combination of a magnetic-sector mass spectrometer with a time-of-flight quadratic-field ion mirror”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1998, 69(4), 1650-1660.
A.A.Makarov, E.N.Raptakis, P.J.Derrick, “Pitfalls on the road to the ideal time-of-flight mirror: ideal time-focusing in the second stage of tandem mass spectrometers”, Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Processes, 1995, 146-147, 165-182.
S.Georgiou, E.Mastoraki, E.Raptakis, Z.Xenidi, “The Potential of Vacuum Ultraviolet Photoionization Mass Spectrometry in Monitoring Photofragmentation of Organometallics”, Laser Chem., 1993, 13(2), 113-119.