Conference Announcements
Oral Presentations
Performance Characterization of a Differential Mobility Spectrometer Operated in Laminarized Low Pressure Subsonic Flows, Dimitris Papanastasiou; Ioannis Orfanopoulos; Diamantis Kounadis; Alexander Lekkas; Ioannis Nikolos; Roger Giles; Andrew Entwistle; Emmanuel Raptakis, IMS Workshop, ASMS Annual Conference 2013
Using the power of a MALDI-quadrupole ion trap-TOF to elucidate structures of complex biomolecules, Emmanuel Raptakis, Rachel Martin, Omar Belgacem, Koichi Tanaka, Post-translational modification Proteome Technology and Applications Symposium, Beijing Proteome Research Centre, November 24, 2009, Beijing, China (see
Head-on Interaction of Shock Waves and Vortex Rings with Solid and Perforated Walls, Kounadis D., R. An, Zare-Behtash H. and Kontis K., AIAA-2006-2875, 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, San Francisco, California, June 5-8, 2006
Vortex Ring Interaction Studies with a Cylinder and a Sphere, An R., Kounadis D., Zare-Behtash H., Kontis K. and Edwards J., AIAA-2006-3913, 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, San Francisco, California, June 5-8, 2006
Experimental Study of the Thermal Development in a Rotating Square-Ended U-Bend, Iacovides H., Kounadis D., Launder B.E. and Xu Z., 9th UK National Heat Transfer Conference, Manchester, UK, September 5-6, 2005
Experimental Study of the Effects of a Guide Vane on the Thermal Development in a Ribbed Square-Ended U-Bend, Algawair W., Iacovides H., Kounadis D., Launder B.E. and Xu Z., 9th UK National Heat Transfer Conference, Manchester, UK, September 5-6, 2005
Experimental Study of Mass Accuracy and Mass Resolution in a MALDI Quadrupole Ion trap Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer, Emmanuel Raptakis; Koichi Tanaka; Ian Brookhouse, ASMS Annual Conference, 2002
Peer Reviewed Posters
Detection of naturally occurring flame ions using a high-temperature atmospheric pressure interface, Thomas Bierkandt; Erdal Akyildiz; Tina Kasper; Stefan Kaesdorf; Ioannis Orfanopoulos; Dimitris Papanastasiou, ASMS Annual Conference, 2013
Ion Tracing in Gas Dynamic Flow Fields: A Case Study on the Ion Funnel, Athanasios Zacharos; Alexander Lekkas; Michael Sudakov; Dimitris Papanastasiou; Diamantis Kounadis; Ioannis Nikolos; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2013
Design and Characterization of a Novel Hybrid-field Ion Guide as part of a Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Platform, Alexander Lekkas; Athanasios Zacharos; Diamantis Kounadis; Ioannis Orfanopoulos; Dimitris Papanastasiou; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2013
A novel ion-optical design for laminarization of under-expanded gas flows, Diamantis Kounadis; Dimitris Papanastasiou; Ioannis Orfanopoulos; Alexander Lekkas; Athanasios Zacharos; Ioannis Nikolos; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2013
Performance Characterization of a Differential Ion Mobility Spectrometer operated in Laminarized Low-Pressure Subsonic Flows, Dimitris Papanastasiou; Ioannis Orfanopoulos; Diamantis Kounadis; Alexander Lekkas; Ioannis Nikolos; Roger Giles; Andrew Entwistle; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2013
A Combined DSMC-CFD Approach for the Numerical Simulation of an Under-expanded Jet, Zacharos Athanasios, Nikolos Ioannis, Papanastasiou Dimitris, Giles Roger, Entwistle Andrew, Raptakis Emmanuel, IMSC Conference 2012
A Two-Dimensional Particle Tracking Velocimetry Investigation for Visualization of Gas Flow Inside the Ion Funnel, Diamantis Kounadis; Dimitris Papanastasiou; Ioannis Orfanopoulos; Alexander Lekkas; Ioannis Nikolos; Emmanuel Raptakis, IMSC Conference 2012
Simulation of Ion Mobility and Diffusion of Sodium Ions based on Revised Ion-Molecule Collision Models, Dimitris Papanastasiou; Alexander Lekkas; Emmanuel Raptakis; Mikhail Sudakov; Andrew Entwistle; Roger Giles, ASMS Annual Conference, 2012
Visualization of Gas Dynamics inside the Ion Funnel using Particle Tracking Velocimetry, Diamantis Kounadis; Dimitris Papanastasiou; Ioannis Orfanopoulos; Alexander Lekkas; Ioannis Nikolos; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2012
Optimization of a Dual In-Vacuum Ionization Source using Ion Optics Simulations, Alexander Lekkas; Dimitris Papanastasiou; Adam W Mcmahon; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2012
Visualization of Under-Expanded Jet in the Atmospheric Pressure – Vacuum Interface of a Mass Spectrometer, Dimitris Papanastasiou; Diamantis Kounadis; Ioannis Orfanopoulos; Ioannis Nikolos; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2012
Simulation of Ion Mobility at Reduced Pressures based on Revised Ion-Molecule Collision Models, Dimitris Papanastasiou; Mikhail Sudakov; Roger Giles; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2010
Isobaric mass tags for quantitative multiplexed imaging of mRNA distributions by in-situ hybridisation and MALDI-MS, Emrys A Jones; Adam McMahon; Andrew Thompson; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2009
Principal component analysis (PCA) applied to MALDI-MS images, unsupervised data interrogation directing peptide selection from trypsin-digested tissue sections, Emrys A Jones; Adam McMahon; Alex Henderson; Herve Boutin; Emmanuel Raptakis; Patricia Price, ASMS Annual Conference, 2009
Classification of mycotoxin-producing Fusarium species based on MALDI-TOF MS analyses of their intact spores, Martina Marchetti-Deschmann; Wolfgang Winkler; Jasmin Kemptner; Emmanuel Raptakis; Irina S. Druzhinina; Robert Mach; Christian P. Kubicek; Guenter Allmaier, ASMS Annual Conference, 2008
Vacuum MALDI Linear TOF mass spectrometry of high molecular mass nanoparticles and proteins, Martina Marchetti; Christian Laschober; Ryan Wenzel; Emmanuel Raptakis; Guenter Allmaier, ASMS Annual Conference, 2008
Clustering software for analysis of complex lipid profile data based on detection of fish oils by MALDI mass spectrometry, Helen Montgomery; Gerald Stubiger; Wolfgang Werther; Emmanuel Raptakis; Omar Belgacem, ASMS Annual Conference, 2008
Characterization of plasma derived and recombinant Immunoglobulins G by MALDI mass spectrometry, Omar Belgacem; Emmanuel Raptakis; Andrea Buchacher; Katharina Pock, ASMS Annual Conference, 2008
Optimization of a MALDI interface for the Digital Ion Trap using simulations, Mikhail Soudakov; Dimitris Papanastasiou; Ikuo Konishi, ASMS Annual Conference, 2007
Separation and Identification of Chlorinated Phenols Using Liquid Chromatography with Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Fatkhulla Tadjimukhamedov; Wolfgang Mueller; Dimitrios Papanastasiou; Hermann Wollnik; Gary Eiceman, ASMS Annual Conference, 2007
An investigation into a Digital Ion Trap as an ion source for a Time of Flight mass spectrometer, Roger Giles; David Rousell; Michael Sudakov; Dimitris Papanastasiou, ASMS Annual Conference, 2007
Ionization efficiency study of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization by picoliter inkjet printing sample preparation, Noriyuki Ojima; Alan Barnes; Omar Belgacem; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2007
MALDI-TOF/RTOF mass spectrometry of peptides at collision energies of 20kV and 2kV – differences in ion intensities and/or fragment types, Martina Marchetti; Pavel Rehulka; Josef Chmelik; Emmanuel Raptakis; Günter Allmaier, ASMS Annual Conference, 2007
Comparison of different sample preparation techniques for differentiation of mycotoxin-producing Fusarium species by MALDI-TOF/RTOF mass spectrometry, Jasmin Hirschmann; Martina Marchetti; Robert Mach; Omar Belgacem; Emmanuel Raptakis; Christian Peter Kubicek; Günter Allmaier, ASMS Annual Conference, 2007
Thermalization of MALDI ions in a High-Vacuum QIT-TOF Mass Spectrometer, Dimitris Papanastasiou; Omar Belgacem; Michael Sudakov; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2007
Shock Wave Interactions Inside a Complex Geometry, Zare-Behtash H., Kounadis D. and Kontis K., 26th International Symposium on Shock Waves, Gottingen, Germany, July 15-20, 2007
Histone Post-translational Modification Analysis Using High Energy Collisions on a Tandem TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometer with a Curved Field Reflectron, Robert Cotter; Omar Belgacem; Wendell Griffith; Rachel Martin; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2006
Extending Protein Sequence Information Using a Combination of MALDI In-source Decay and High Energy CID fragmentation, Rachel L Martin; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2006
Lipids profiling of Fish Oils from Wild and Farmed Salmon by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Omar Belgacem; Emmanuel Raptakis; Gerald Stuebiger, ASMS Annual Conference, 2006
Characterization of a Microbial SGNH-Lipase and its Inhibitor-Complexes by MALDI-TOF, ESI-IT, MALDI-IT/RTOF and MALDI-TOF/RTOF Mass Spectrometry, Martin Zehl; Ivana Lescic-Asler; Filip Kovacic; Marija Abramic; Biserka Kojic-Prodic; Emmanuel Raptakis; Guenter Allmaier, ASMS Annual Conference, 2006
Direct MALDI Analysis of Latex Glove Surfaces – From Sample Preparation to the Identification of Protein Allergens, Martina Marchetti; Kerstin Strupat; Franz Hillenkamp; Emmanuel Raptakis; Günter Allmaier, ASMS Annual Conference, 2006
Development of Flow Field and Surface Heat-Transfer Measurement and Visualisation Techniques for Internal Rotating Cooling Flows in Gas Turbine Blades, Iacovides H., Launder B.E., Cooper D. and Kounadis D., AIAA-2006-3443, Invited paper, 25th AIAA Aerodynamics Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, San Francisco, California, June 5-8, 2006
Countering the turn-around time effect in orthogonal TOF MS, Dimitris Papanastasiou, Adam McMahon, ASMS Annual Conference, 2005
Comparison of low energy CID, high energy CID and laser induced dissociation of MALDI generated ions, Emmanuel Raptakis; Andrew Bowdler; Martin Resch; Omar Belgacem, ASMS Annual Conference, 2005
High Resolution Ion Gate For Pre-cursor Ion Selection In MALDI ToF MS/MS, Andrew R Bowdler; Katherine L Farnell; Ian Brookhouse; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2005
MALDI-IT/RTOF, MALDI-TOF/RTOF, AP-MALDI-IT and nESI-IT CID mass spectrometry of multi-site glycosylated saponins from Bacopa monnieri: a comparison of information content, Martin Zehl; Ernst Pittenauer; Leopold Jirovetz; Omar Belgacem; Emmanuel Raptakis; Vijay Kaul; Guenter Allmaier, ASMS Annual Conference, 2005
Identification/characterization of the predominant elicitor for type I allergy to elderberry blossoms by low energy CID-MS2 experiments (MALDI-QIT/RTOF and nESI-QIT), Martina Marchetti; Jasmin Hirschmann; Martin Zehl; Emmanuel Raptakis; Elisabeth Foerster-Waldl; Guenter Allmaier, ASMS Annual Conference, 2005
A unification of energy and space focusing analysis in TOF MS, Adam W McMahon; Dimitris Papanastasiou, ASMS Annual Conference, 2004
Characterization of Complex Protein Gel Bands by Offline LC MALDI-QIT-TOF-MS, Rachel L Martin; Emmanuel Raptakis; Willy Bienvenut, ASMS Annual Conference, 2004
Influence of Grids on Resolution in Linear oa-ToFMS – Theory and Practice, Adam W. McMahon; Dimitris Papanastasiou; Christopher A. Rego, ASMS Annual Conference, 2003
MALDI seamless PSD and MS/MS (high and low energy CID) of human phospholipids and triacylglycerols, Gerald Stuebiger; Ernst Pittenauer; Dietmar Waidelich; Emmanuel Raptakis; Guenter Allmaier, ASMS Annual Conference, 2003
MALDI QIT ToF MSn is a versatile tool for the identification of disease-relevant protein modifications in human proteome research., Cornelia Koy; Stefan Mikkat; Martin Resch; Emmanuel Raptakis; Chris Sutton; Koichi Tanaka; Michael O. Glocker, ASMS Annual Conference, 2003
Effects of Rotation on Cooling Performance of an Impinging Jet Row, Iacovides H., Kounadis D., Launder B.E., Li J. and Xu Z., 3rd Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP3, Sendai, Japan, June 26, 2003
Effects of Rotation on the Flow and Thermal Development of a Row of Jets Impinging on a Concave Surface, Iacovides H., Kounadis D., Launder B.E., Li J. and Xu Z., 8th UK National Heat Transfer Conference, Oxford, UK, September 9-10, 2003
Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry in an Orthogonal Acceleration Time of Flight Instrument, Adam W McMahon; Dimitris Papanastasiou; Christopher A Rego, ASMS Annual Conference, 2002
Application of Automated Integrated Sample Preparation and MALDI QIT ToF MS for Structural Elucidation of Proteins, Rachel L Martin*; Koichi Tanaka; Emmanuel Raptakis; Kathryn A Ralphson, ASMS Annual Conference, 2002
A MALDI-QIT-ToF for High Sensitivity and High Accuracy MS^n, Koichi Tanaka*; Emmanuel Raptakis; Chris Sutton; Rachel Martin, ASMS Annual Conference, 2002
Improving Mass Resolution and Mass Accuracy for PSD Fragments in MALDI-ToF MS, Andrew R Bowdler; Ian Brookhouse; Emmanuel Raptakis; Martin Resch, ASMS Annual Conference, 2001
MALDI-QIT-ToF : High Flexibility Sample Introduction, Koichi Tanaka; Chris Sutton; Emmanuel Raptakis, ASMS Annual Conference, 2001
Parameters Affecting Mass Resolution in a MALDI Quadrupole Ion Trap Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer, Emmanuel Raptakis; Koichi Tanaka, ASMS Annual Conference, 2001
Effects of Isotope Distributions on the Mass Accuracy of PSD with Maldi ToF MS, Andrew R Bowdler; Emmanuel Raptakis; Ian Brookhouse, ASMS Annual Conference, 2000
Spatial Focusing of PSD Fragment Ions in a Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometer with a Curved Field Reflectron, Emmanuel Raptakis; Andrew R. Bowdler; Frank Trundle, ASMS Annual Conference, 2000
Mass Resolution With The Curved Field Reflectron, Bowdler, Andrew; Raptakis, Emmanuel, ASMS Annual Conference, 1999
Design and Construction of a Tandem reflectron Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer Equipped with a MALDI source, Thomas, Benjamin; Giannakopulos, Anastassios; Colburn, Alex; Makarov, Alexander; Raptakis, Emmanuel; Derrick, Peter, ASMS Annual Conference, 1998